On Tuesday, Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament (MP) Mahua Moitra filed a defamation suit against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Nishikant Dubey, Advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai, and various media organizations before the Delhi High Court.
The defendants had alleged that Moitra accepted bribes to ask questions in Parliament. Justice Sachin Datta is expected to hear the case on October 20, Friday.
Dubey and Dehadrai had claimed that Moitra accepted bribes to ask questions in Parliament.
Dubey had written to the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Sunday, alleging that Moitra agreed to field questions in Parliament on behalf of business tycoon Darshan Hiranandani in exchange for cash and gifts.
It was claimed that some of these questions were related to the Adani Group, which is a competitor of Hiranandani.
Dubey's complaint stemmed from a letter he received from Dehadrai, who had filed a complaint with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) claiming to have "irrefutable evidence that Moitra took bribes from Hiranandani."
Dehadrai claimed that Moitra gave complete access to her online Lok Sabha account to Hiranandani, who misused the same to post Parliamentary Questions of his liking.
It was claimed that these questions amounted to 50 of the 61 questions Moitra has asked.
Moitra had earlier sent a legal notice to Dubey, Dehadrai, and several media organizations.
The TMC MP denied all the allegations and said that they are false and designed to curry political mileage and to extract a personal vendetta against her.
TAGS: Delhi High Court Mahua Moitra Defamation Cash for queries  Nishikant Dubey